Affiliated Organizations

Support Center for Disabled Students



The Support Center for Disabled Students at Gumi University guarantees the right to learn and live at the University for disabled students with appropriate support systems capable of satisfying their needs. Moreover, the Center aims to expand opportunities for higher education, facilitate academic integration of disabled students with the general student population, provide social welfare support and services to help students blend in socially with other students, improve awareness of disabled people, and ensure a smooth learning experience at the University. By doing so, the Center hopes to provide better support services and create an educational environment that can help disabled students become creative and professional members of our society.
  • location:1F, University Main Hall, Support Center for Disabled Students
  • time: 09:00∼18:00
  • tel: 054-440-1393
  • fax: 054-442-8953
  • mail : yswo@gumi.

Core Responsibilities

  • Offers teaching/learning support to improve educational conditions for disabled students
  • Offers assistance programs for disabled students
  • Offers facilities that enhance mobility and other amenities to improve access for disabled students
  • Offers support such as welfare services related to campus life and counseling
  • Offers job placement services by providing career/employment information and by collaborating with other organizations
  • Offers support for other campus affairs, etc.


  • Students with a disability certificate or a disability welfare card
  • Other students who require assistance as determined by the University